The Quartz Thunderbolt is a unique all-quartz, metal-free, high airflow, high power ball injector style aroma diffuser for herbs /resins / essential oils;
- Hot air diffuser designed to be heated with a chef's torch, with reliable temperature control options
- based on a simple but tried-and-tested-over-2 years concept
The two-in-one design and dual CNC-lazer drilled quartz screens inside make this the only diffuser of its kind.
- featuring 19mm AND 14mm tapered nozzles, to work with any standard injector glass bowl or suitable 18/19mm or 14mm adapter. The Elixier bowl ( sold separately) is designed for superior ease of use and performance.
Made of 100% fused quartz, containing quartz balls/ Silicone Carbide balls (optional) and ruby (corundum) balls. These act as heat storage, purest possible heat source and - in the case of rubies - temperature indicators.
Metal parts used in lesser devices taint or diminish the aromas and may cause irritation or allergic reactions with long term use. Temperatures inside injectors can reach 300C or more.
Sapphires can be added for extra colour- they are essentially the same stone as ruby (corundum) but lack the thermochromic behaviour of ruby.
Easy temperature control without electronics. With the Quartz Thunderbolt's design and the recommended gemstone configuration, the ruby's naturally present colour-changing behaviour happens to be an excellent indicator of the right temperature for aromatherapy diffusion of your herbs/resins/oils.
Alternatively, an inexpensive digital (contact or infrared+laser) thermometer can be used. 300C is a good working temperature.
Heat-up time : 70-90 seconds
The Thunderbolt name is inspired by the Tibetan Dorje.
*SiC gets hot faster and holds more heat than any other available/affordable material.
The Thunderbolt is the first and still the only diffuser of its kind to be offered with this material.
The only materials that exceed the dark silver SiC balls in thermal performance are:
- crystal-clear SiC gems: cost around €1000 to fill the Thunderbolt (may be available to order in clear and blue-green colours - contact me if really interested!)
-diamond: not only extremely expensive but also ethically problematic.
The dark silver colour of commonly available artificial SiC is due to traces of iron oxides from the synthesis process. These traces are inert; SiC will not melt and its sublimation temperature is over 2200C. The outer surface of SiC crystals is sealed with a layer of Silicon dioxide- i.e. quartz.